Hazardous Waste Management: Can Anyone Do It?
Hazardous waste is one whose properties make it harmful to the environment and human health. These hazardous wastes can be created from many sources, from industrial manufacturing, chemical production, or generated by other types of industries. These wastes -which can be present in any state- are capable of causing damage due to an inadequate treatment of hazardous waste and their consequences could be really negative. For example, people living near waste disposal sites may be in a very vulnerable position. For all these reasons, governments strictly regulate the management of waste and hazardous waste. And thus be able to remedy existing problems and even prevent future damage. The destruction of this type of waste must be carried out by a Hazardous Waste Management Authorization . In this article, we explain the different forms of hazardous waste treatment that exist to guarantee proper treatment. When Waste is considered hazardous? Not all waste is considered toxic or dan...